What is File Handling in C

What is File Handling in C

File handling is used to store the data permanently in files. It is used to open, store, read, search or close files.

fopen()opens new or existing file
fprintf()write data into file
fscanf()reads data from file
fputc()writes a character into file
fgetc()reads a character from file
fclose()closes the file
fseek()sets the file pointer to given position
fputw()writes an integer to file
fgetw()reads an integer from file
ftell()returns current position
rewind()sets the file pointer to the beginning of the file

There are different modes available for opening a file:

ropens a text file in read mode
wopens a text file in write mode
aopens a text file in append mode


#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

void main()


FILE *fptr;

int rollno;

char name[50];

fptr = fopen(“student.txt”, “w+”);/*  open for writing */

//student .txt is a file in which we store the data

if (fptr == NULL)


printf(“File does not exists \n”);



printf(“Enter the Rollno\n”);

scanf(“%d”, &rollno);

fprintf(fptr, “Rollno= %d\n”, rollno);

printf(“Enter the name \n”);

scanf(“%s”, name);

fprintf(fptr, “Name= %s\n”, name);



Enter Rollno 20 Enter the name rishi
Then if we open the student.txt file then it contains-
Rollno = 20
Name = rishi


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