Software Testing – Myths
Given below are some of the most common myths about software testing. Myth 1 : Testing is…
Verification & Validation
These two terms are very confusing for most people, who use them interchangeably. The following…
When to Stop Testing?
It is difficult to determine when to stop testing, as testing is a never-ending process…
When to Start Testing?
An early start to testing reduces the cost and time to rework and produce error-free…
Who does Testing?
It depends on the process and the associated stakeholders of the project(s). In the IT…
Software Testing – Overview
What is Software Testing? Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to…
SDLC – Software Prototype Model
The Software Prototyping refers to building software application prototypes which displays the functionality of the…
SDLC – RAD Model
The RAD (Rapid Application Development) model is based on prototyping and iterative development with no specific planning…
SDLC – Agile Model
Agile SDLC model is a combination of iterative and incremental process models with focus on…
SDLC – Big Bang Model
The Big Bang model is an SDLC model where we do not follow any specific…