Fundamental Concept
A computer is basically a programmable machine capable to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically…
Channel Capacity theorem
It is possible, in principle, to device a means where by a communication system will…
Mutual Information
On an average we require H(X) bits of information to specify one input symbol. However, if we…
Huffmann Coding Techniques
Huffman coding is an entropy encoding algorithm used for lossless datacompression. The term refers to the…
Shannon-Fano Algorithm for Data Compression
DATA COMPRESSION AND ITS TYPESData Compression, also known as source coding, is the process of…
Digital Communication – Error Control Coding
Noise or Error is the main problem in the signal, which disturbs the reliability of…
Difference Between PAM, PWM and PPM
PAM, PWM and PPM all three are analog pulse modulation techniques. The major difference between…
Pulse Code Modulation
Modulation is the process of varying one or more parameters of a carrier signal in accordance…
Pulse Amplitude Modulation
Today communication is the heart of the technology. Communication is achieved over a transmitter and a…
Entropy, Source Encoding Theorem
Source encoding theorem The discrete memory less source of entropy H(X), the average code word…